Money laundering

Investment schemes that are potentially dubious

Thematic review: A thematic review to enhance our understanding of typical schemes and explore how and why solicitors become involved

Firms risk assessment exercise

Review: On 28 March 2019, we called in 400 firms' anti-money laundering firm risk assessments. All firms had declared to us that they were offering services within scope of the money laundering regulations.

A thematic review of trust and company service providers

Thematic review: Money laundering is not a victimless crime. It is used to fund terrorists and facilitates drug dealers and people traffickers, as well as a range of other criminal activity.

Preventing Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism

The legal profession plays a vital role in tackling money laundering which is considered to be one of the greatest risks both society and the profession faces.

Anti Money Laundering Report

Thematic review: In September 2014, we announced our plan to undertake a thematic review of anti money laundering (AML) compliance by solicitors.